It's all lies...

Sunday, 1 July 2012


Hey everyone,

I'm so sorry that I didn't get a chance to post before leaving for England... And I've been so rushed since, that I just haven't had the chance to post.. I've managed to read a couple of blogs.. hoping to catch up a bit soon..

I'm doing terribly. I'm miserable atm :(

They're stuffing me like a roasted pig! Fucking chips! (like, fries!) With EVERYTHING! Like fuck, ever heard of salad!?!! No! Just salad CREAM! *Cries* Unfortunately, as a result, I'm stuffing myself too =/ I'm in binge mode again, GODS HELP ME!!! Fuck, if I didn't come here, I'd still be doing SO well. I know it. I was SO determined. The last time I was that determined, I almost died. *Sigh* Without a scale, I have no reward or incentive to keep going when the numbers get lower.. and no accountability or fear when the scales go up. I am shitting bricks every time I eat, but that 'binge' voice keeps pushing everything back... Where did 'ana' go!?!? Did I fucking leave her behind? Did she get lost on the way!?! HELP!

I'm sorry to post and throw this out there... I'm sorry I'm shit.


  1. Oi! you are NOT shit. You will get it back on track - believe me, because I believe in you <3 oh dear... chips. Evil food.. evil.

    take care of yourself <3 lots of love x

  2. oh hun - i just tried to comment.. it did some weird thing :/ hope its not a bug :/

    dont call yourself shit. you are NOT shit. you will get it back together, trust me - i believe in you <3 chips.. lol evil, evil food.

    take care of yourself <3 lots of love x

  3. This might be a weird suggestion, but if you are anything like me it could work. In situations like yours I would find an object, a small stone, a ribbon- a red one maybe- and keep it in your pocket or around your wrist and just have it as a reminder. It is something everyone else will be able to see and yet not know what it is for. Red is the color of ana and the stone could be a reminder of how many stones you want to lose. It is just a silly symbol but for some reason making the reminder a solid, touchable thing, it makes it somehow more real. Sorry if that's really silly x.x
    I hope you are okay soon and I am sending lots of love somehow <3

  4. I am glad to hear from you. I am sorry to hear you are not doing well at the moment. My parents tend to feed the crap out of me too when I haven't seen them for a while.

    Everything is going to be okay. Maybe you can try sticking to your plan there too. I am not sure who will be around though and stuff. I don't want you to lose all your hard work.

  5. Hey hun, I'm sorry to hear you're doing badly. I know how you feel and trust me things will get better.
    The above comment from Venus sounds like a VERY good idea, it works for me. I wear that bracelet I said about in my blogs. It keeps things in line.
    Remember, you're beautiful no matter what.
    Whatever is put on can be put off with patience.
    Much luck!

  6. We get chips with everything here too. Try to fob them off on others if you can. Blokes and kids are good for that!

    I'm slipping back into bingetimes too. Stupid fucking lolly special at work. We can get out of it again.

    Take are of yourself over there <3

  7. Sweetie I'm so glad to hear from you but I'm sorry you're having a tough time. Being away from home and with family is tough as we have less control and there is pressure from others. I am going on a family holiday soon and I'm dreading it foodwise. How long more are you there for?
    Try not to beat yourself up, I've always found that weight loss is one step forward, 2 steps back.
    If you need to email me at any time don't hesitate, I don't know if I can help but I can listen.

    Sending you a big hug and lots of love,

    Mind you x

  8. i hope the eating didnt ruin your trip to england! <3
