It's all lies...

Wednesday, 26 September 2012


...sectioned, formed, locked up! Whatever you want to call it, they imprisoned me for 3 days, a week ago friday, because I overdosed and cut my wrists. Couldn't even do that properly (sorry for the gory imagery, skip the rest of this paragraph if you're easily triggered), I cut deep enough to surprise myself, I could see the vein trying to bulge out of the wound. I felt relief, until I realised that it wasn't actually punctured, sick eh? So, I took the knife and dug it into the vein, which promptly made it bleed more, but it didn't spurt or anything, so I knew I'd done it wrong. I have a deep cringe factor about wrist cutting, because it's not fleshy, I imagine the blade scraping against bone, I don't like the feel of the blade on that part of my arm, bc it's all lumpy and bumpy with veins etc and the skin is just... different there, thin and, I don't know. But, anyway.. it started to coagulate really quickly. I was so bummed, I'd wanted to do this by just cutting my wrists and taking a few sedatives and falling asleep, never to wake up again.. yes, by 'this', I mean kill myself :( I just can't handle it anymore)

So, I had taken a bunch of xanax and imovane and cesemet, which is a pill made up with the same chemical in pot, heh (and they took the whole bottle off me :| wasn't even mine!). I was kind of stunned by the blood, my partner heard me crying hysterically.. and I broke down because my drugs didn't come in the mail on time, how fucked up is that?? Then I just decided that I couldn't do it anymore, I couldn't wait for drugs to come in the mail my whole life, I couldn't be away from my family anymore, I just couldn't do life. Anyway, not knowing I took pills, she promptly sent me off to the hospital, and made me promise I'd go straight there. I was quite obedient, actually. Luckily, the pills hadn't kicked in enough to impair my driving, because I wasn't in the right frame of mind to decide for myself if I should be driving or not, I was told to, so I did.

I took more pills in the car, once I'd gotten there. I wanted to make it harder for them to save me. When I went in, I figured I'd be waiting for hours, but they took me straight through. I was sneaking more pills in every time they turned their backs. They tried getting me to drink charcoal.. Get this, obviously I didn't want to drink it, I tasted it, fucking GROSS, tastes just like you'd imagine charcoal would taste, chalky, chalky and DISGUSTING! So, I poured some into the puke bowl.. it didn't look real, so I actually purged, on an empty stomach, into the puke thing, so that it looked real :s The nurse said it'd still work, hah.

So, they did a bunch of tests n took blood and stuff. Took me to medical, cleared me to go to the crisis section and stuck me in a room with two hospital chairs, the four legged hard kind and two blankets, I proceeded to take my last handful of pills - they'd already taken the huge bottle of cesemet, but I had extra shoved in my bra. I remember taking them, then looking up and laughing because there were camera's watching me :s oops.. I put the 2 chairs together (those fuckers are heavy! I guess they make them weighted so you can't hurt yourself with them) and laid out the blanket and called rogers because I wanted data to go online! Like, wtf was I thinking?? Clearly, I wasn't! I was slurring all over the place. All of a sudden I began to feel... green. I put the phone down and attempted to walk out of the room. A couple of staff came at me, I fell over and they made me sit on a chair, but I couldn't sit up straight, next thing I know, I'm on a hospital bed and they're trying to shove food into me, like WTF!?!? They were asking me if I was diabetic! No, I overdosed you fucking fool. The doctor came and woke me up, hey I was fine sleeping, thank you! The moment I opened my eyes, I would feel really fucking ill. I guess they looked back on the camera's and saw me take more pills and thought it was because of that, they didn't realise I'd been taking pills all day. They took me back to medical. Things are kinda blurry from here...
The older nurses were bitches, I needed the loo and they pointed it out, offered no help, mind you they're filling me with fluids and I can barely walk, so I need to pee often! So they brought me a fucking zimmerframe/walker thing, which I fell over on. Two older nurses come over to help me and I hear one say to the other, 'why do they do these things to themselves', like wtf would YOU know!?! Like, just IMAGINE for ONE second how I must be FEELING inside to actually DO this to myself!?! But, I was too out of it to respond.

Renee (my partner) came the next morning, I think, coz I'd called her and begged her to come. Poor girl, I ended up sleeping most of the time she was there. I made her get me food, because I was ravenous, I told her to bring me food, she brought me a peanut butter sandwich and some fibre bars, but that wasn't enough.. I made her go to the tims in the hospital and get me whatever they had, she brought back some home made pizza thing and a tea biscuit, I had her bring me chocolate (I don't EAT chocolate!), I was eating things that I would never eat, that I didn't like, bc I was a bottomless fucking pit. Well, needless to say, I promptly puked it all up, not 2 mins after I was done... and it wasn't self induced! But, I'm glad it came up all the same =/ Renee later told me, that one of the older nurses took her aside and asked her, 'do you know her well, because she just chucked all that food up' (renee had gone to the toilet), I had barely managed to grab a walmart bag, throw my dirty clothes out of it and puke into that, so I guess she figured I did it on purpose. Would she rather have cleaned it all up from the bed and the floors?? Hmmm.

I shouldn't bitch, they're just doing their jobs.. but they're not supposed to judge. The younger nurses were a lot nicer and more understanding.

Anyway, that same morning, I woke up to a nurse telling me, 'you've been formed' and points at a form on my table. So I look at it and see that I'm being held for 72 hours and possibly longer. I'm like FUCK.

I ended up having to stay another night, so I think I was there 2 nights and 3 days.

So anyway, I got a few therapy sessions (5 or less, heh thanks, what do you think that's gonna do for me!?! I need long term therapy ffs!) and an appt. with a psychiatrist next month. He did his psychiatric assessment in 5 mins flat. Wtf does he think he can find out about me in 5 mins!??? The system is fucked.

Well, now I have to get my meds daily again, I can't get my methadone once a week like I did before, bc they're afraid that I'll OD. Great. I wouldn't OD on my meth anyways, bc IF it didn't work, I'd be fucked and sick. And I have to get all my other meds daily too. Great. Really makes you want to reach out and ask for help. I mean, my goal was to die, but still.

I get a weeks worth of valium at a time, instead of a months, but I can save those. And I have access to Renee's meds. And I just found a big bottle of seroquel the other day (THE biggest reason for my binge relapse and all this fucking disgusting weight gain!! So, maybe it can help me out in getting out of this shit pit. A friend of mine almost very successfully OD'd on seroquel, it's a heavy sedative, so I think I have enough, coupled with imovane and xanax. I can just go to sleep... and..not..wake..up..sighs.

I hate my life so much right now, I hate my thoughts, my head, my everything. I love my son, but he clearly loves his momma more, kids just *know* who their mums are, especially if they're breastfed. So, he'll just forget about me. It's my little brother I'm most guilty about, I feel so guilty for leaving him just to come to Canada, to leave him forever, I'd probably fuck him right up, but.. I mean, he hardly sees me anyway, so he won't miss me as much, right? =/

Fuckit!!! I just don't know anymore.

Help me?


  1. first of all - omy, i cant believe you apologised to me for not being there when clearly I should be down on my hands and knees begging forgiveness for being such a bad friend... i had no idea any of this was going on, i wish you had reached out to someone but i know that even reaching out is extremely difficult. i am so distraught that you have gone through all of this, i cant believe Renee got you to drive to the hospital whilst you were bleeding - or did i read that wrong :\ i am so saddened that you want to end it, but then i am not you and i dont know how bad it is for you. i have been there, ready to kill myself, but then i have never tried, i wish you could find something to hold on to, something to hope for.. and your boy loves you, he does. he would be so confused and hurt if something were to happen to you. i hope i dont sound like one of those hypocritical people...

    the nurses perhaps were just very desensitized to it all, i guess you have to maintain some detachment, but a little professionalism on their part would have been nice. you would think nurses of all people would at least be a bit sympathetic.

    I hope you know how much you mean to me, i am so taken aback by how things turned for you, i just wish there was something i could have done.. i wish there was something i could do right now.. i hate to see you suffer, you are such a selfless person, but maybe there is a plan in this, i believe things happen for a reason and that no matter how bad it gets there is hope.. curiosity has kept me alive when i have felt like ending it all, but no two people are alike..

    and sure he will miss you! of course he would! and so would your son, your family, your friends and i know me and ruby would have huge chunks missing of ourselves if anything were to happen to you.

    love you so so much, hope you know that i am ALWAYS here for you and that i always have time for you.

    please take care, and dont hesitate to contact me if you just need to vent or anything no matter how big or small..

    love you xx

  2. I love you too Rayya and you have NOTHING to apologise for, I'm the one who withdrew and buried myself in my own misery... The fact that you care so much is... something so foreign and unknown to me.. at least in these past 8 years or so... and it means the world to me. I'm sorry I should have been a bit more sensitive in my post, I don't mean to worry people. I was thinking about it and was like, 'dang, I come back after forever and tell them all how suicidal I am, how selfish', so to call me selfless, makes me feel like a fraud =/ I'm sorry to have hurt you :( I love you and I am trying with everything I have left to hang on, even if it doesn't sound like it at times.

    I hope things happen for a good reason... because, I need something good right about now...

    Love you honey and I'll comment over at your blog in the morning. I'm off to bed now, I need this day to be done, but I'm going to read on my phone, it's just a pain to comment, if it even lets me, lol.

    Anyway, thank you more than words can say, for all your love and support. I can't believe that people still care, after such a long absence. You all mean the world to me. There are a few of you, you know who you are (of course you Rayya, as I'm replying to you), that really selflessly support me, and I appreciate it to the stars and back, I only hope that I can support you in the same way xxx

    Love you love you love you xxx

    1. Oh and in my partners defence, she had to stay with Jayden and she bent over backwards to get a sitter for him the next morning to come spend the day with me, while I basically puked and slept.. She's not so bad really ;) lol

  3. Wow, I am gobsmacked reading this.
    I knew you were struggling but I had no idea things had got this bad.
    Like Rayya said, I wish I had known and maybe we could've helped some how

    I know the feeling of wanting to disappear, I seriously considered taking all my meds this week but I couldn't go through with it
    I know it's tough sweetie, I really do and I am so glad your attempt wasn't successful
    We need you, your friends need you and most of all your precious little son needs you
    You are a good person Ashen and you are loved
    Don't ever forget that
    I wish there was something more I could do to help
    I feel so helpless
    If I could I would reach through the computer screen and wrap you in a hug that lasts forever

    Please try to hold on
    Please take good care of you
    Be gentle with you

    I'm glad you won't have all your meds in one go now as that would just be temptation

    Sending you faith, hope, courage and a hug

    All my love x

  4. Oh my god. I wish I could have been there for you when you were going through all this.
    I'm so so sorry you've been feeling so bad.
    That nurse sounds like a bitch, she clearly doesn't have a clue what you're going through. No one can really understand suicide until they've been suicidal themselves. Please don't listen to that stupid woman.

    I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better, anything at all to make all this pain go away.

    Of course your son loves you, don't even doubt that for a second.
    You have so much to live for. Think of your brother, and your son and your partner. Think how much they would all miss you.
    Everyone who knows you would be devastated. I would be completely heartbroken if anything happened to you.

    Please I know how hard it is, but try and stay strong. You have everything to live for.
    Love you.

  5. *Huggles*

    I know oblivion seems like the most desirable thing on earth, but please don't seek it yet. Your son would miss you and so would your brother. They'd never forget you, you're too wonderful to be easily forgotten. They do love you, probably more than they can find words to tell you.

    Those nurses need a slapping. How CAN they talk like that? What the actual FUCK. That was rude and ignorant and uncalled-for. RAGE on your behalf.

    Please hold on. Maybe go visit your family for a few weeks? You sound like you need hugs and support. Reaching out is fucking hard, but please try. There is too much to lose if you don't. New pets and vintage wines and embarrassing the hell out of your son at his 21st bday party with stories of the time he tried to sneak back in and tripped over the dog and faceplanted so loudly the neighbours thought he was a very clumsy burglar.

    Please hold on, don't bow out just yet. Give things a bit more time ok?

    Arohanui <3

  6. I know the felling when you just want to disappear in the air, as nothing is keeping you here. But at the end of the day you will find your purpose you just need to keep strong and believe that things can improve. Love and hugs
