Hey everyone, so I'm updating already, yay, go me!
I'm 'home', although it doesn't feel like home... I knew I'd do this (as did my closest friends, hi Jo! lol), but I mean, as yucky as it was at home, it still felt like home.. I just slotted right back into place (the twins friends were rude and tried to tell me they had more right to be there than me, but they're just pathetic would-be adults, if they weren't so damn childish). I feel like I'm rose-tinting already, but I didn't want to leave when it came down to it and I knew I wouldn't :s if I had my own place over there, I'd be happy. I'd be able to have as much of them as I could take, I wouldn't have to live in that filthy house and I'd be on home soil... much happier. I'd be able to see my mum and little brother every day. I miss them tremendously. Tyler turned 11 whilst I was there, he's so loyal.. any one of the others would have seen my leaving as abandonment and dumped me for it. Tyler still loves me and worships me. He's the one who stayed with me and helped me up when I fell. It broke my heart because he was clearly fighting back tears when we parted. I started crying then.
It feels eerily quiet here. Jayden is soooo confused. He misses them all. He woke up crying hysterically several times last night. Everything is sooo quiet for him right now.. he *always* had someone to entertain him... there was always someone swooping up behind him and lifting him into the air, spinning him around... He would have the hugest grin. And the boys always greeted him with a loud, 'AAAAAHHHHHHHH' and he'd promptly do it back, lol.
I don't know if I told you, but Jayden learned to walk on British soil! Yay! He's running around now, the lil monster. I love him to pieces and if it weren't for him, I'd be gone, I think. I love my partner, but she doesn't show me ANY affection. She's gone to her sisters, it's our nieces birthday, she didn't get her anything, so I had to hand over my rimmel london make up, that I had bought when there :( I love that brand. She NEVER walks there, but today decided to do so, it's probably because she wants to have a good gossip and knows full well that I can't walk that far atm. Pfft, whatever.
It doesn't matter where I am, I want to be in the other place. It's going to be like that forever, isn't it? I'm never going to be truly happy, or feel complete.
It's my turn to be happy damnit! I want my family, in England, in our own place. Despite all the promises that that will happen, I know it won't. She won't come there.
She gets to have her cake and eat it too. She has her family, she lives in her home country and she has me too. AND she got to bare our child. She couldn't even give me that.I deserved a blood tie over here, but no, she's fucking selfish and if it weren't for Jayden.. I thik I said that already.
Wow, this post has gone WAAAY off, I guess I am holding many resentments right now. *Sigh*.
Sorry to come back and be all depressive... I'll get back into the swing of things soon.
Time to get back on track with food, or lack there of. I need to sort this mess out. Turns out I gained a total of 12 lbs *cries*. Half of what I lost, although I was convinced that I had gained it all back and more (to see me, I may as well have!). I'm hoping to drop it in 2 weeks. I HATE back tracking! Seeing some girls on here and where they're at and knowing that I could be there right now.. it stings. But, I needed to go home, I *needed* that visit. Just, now it's time to turn things around.
Thanks for all your support everyone, I really appreciate it.. You'll get sick of me soon, I promise :P coz.. I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack! =D
So good to have you back in the blogosphere,
ReplyDeleteI'll look forward to catching up on all your news,
Love ya x
Thank you x
DeleteLove you too sweetie xxx
ReplyDeleteOh hun.. I wish there was something I could do for you darling :\ I am glad you got to go home (UK Home) and see your family, but I guess we just have to ride out the hard times and hope things improve.. Stick in there hun, thats amazing that Jayden is walking!! Wowwee he walked in the UK (Score for the team!) hahaha woop he is getting so big.. I always think of him as a baby.. but he must be so big.
I love you darling - glad to have you back :) you will get back on track soon - I know you will <3 Much love doll! <3 x
He is getting soooooo big! You can check out his pics on my fb page :)
DeleteAnd yes! SCORE for the home team! Hehe
Love to you too xxx (have missed you lots!) x
Home must feel so different when you come back after so long. I hate the way your partner treats you. Relationships like that are never fun and it sucks when you are willing to reconcile and make things work but the other person doesn't want to cooperate. But I have to say, I'm in something of a situation that feels akin to yours, and when it comes to being bitter and resentful, it starts arguments and blows everything way out and makes it worse. Lately I find that when I can say something bitter, if I shut my mouth nothing happens and I get less stressed out. It takes two to argue, and when one person refuses to argue, the other has to find a new way to communicate their feelings. I don't know if this is helpful at all because I haven't been at it long enough, but I have a panic attack nearly every time I get into an argument with this other person. He will never see what I see so there is no point in arguing. I mean, it's like trying to take down a cement wall with your fists. EH I am rambling sorry. Anyways, glad to see you back. I'm sorry you gained so much back but at least it didn't all come back on. That is the silver lining as they say?
ReplyDeleteLove you and I hope you can get by with at least some little moments of happiness. Make every day with your son count. Think about what will happen with him if you and your partner fight, or don't get along very well. You are a mother and everything you do affects him in some way. Oh crap am I overstepping a line here? I think I might be, so sorry if I am.
Good luck.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOh sweetie, you're not overstepping any lines... I blog, among other reasons, to get outside input from people who may understand me.
DeleteI'm now 7 lbs down in total, so just 3 to go to at least get back to where I was. My partner managed to lose almost 10 lbs *pout*, I don't know how, because she had chips like every day! Lol, but I'm happy for her still. I will get there, we all will.
I am trying not to say anything in haste, when I'm feeling bitter and resentful, but it's... hard.
Thank you for caring honey, Love you too, lots x
It's hard to have a split soul, to have a home in one land and another home in another. When you're in one place you wish to be in the other and it feels like you're being pulled in two all the time with nothing solid to put your feet on.
I'm so happy he got to learn to walk on your home soil! Omg so excited!
I wish she could have a bit more understanding. It's hard to leave your home and start afresh somewhere else among people with a different way of life. It's something people don't really understand unless they've done it. It's really fucking hard to leave your comfort zone, and unless pushed to it she won't do it. Gah!
Glad to see you back. Take care of yourself <3
I really thought I'd replied to these comments, I'm so sorry! (to everyone that commented and got no reply from me =/ my memory is a bottomless bucket right now, forget sieve!)
DeleteYou totally understand where I'm coming from, I couldn't have put it any better myself, I actually quoted you on my fb!
I want to be around more, my head is just so jumbled, I start a task and don't finish it, because I go to another task that I've been thinking about, whilst doing the first one and it multiplies so I'm like working on 10 different tasks! And obviously, NONE (or maybe one, if I'm lucky) will get completed. I have lost many a a comment and entries due to this =/
Talk soon honey and thanks for the comment x
I know the feeling of a "double home".
ReplyDeleteChanges are difficult, after living all my life in the same place, I moved away. I can't get used to it, I'm stuck in derealisation because all feels so unreal...
I can imagine how you feel. Don't worry about your weight now. (easy to say, I know)
If you don't mind to chat little, I sent you an e-mail!
Lots of love and good luck <3
I often feel very surreal, even when I was in England, because I hadn't been there in so long and then more so when I got back, because I'd been in England for over 2 months and was just starting to settle back in =/
DeleteWhich email? I'll check them both x
Thank you honey x
I checked my emails hun, can't find it =/ did you private msg me here? Not sure how to find it with the new layout, if you did, lol.. but i'll figure it out x