Dr. Phil... Obesity by Choice??
So, I just got finished watching Dr Phil, there was this morbidly obese lady, I think her name was Susanne, she had two kids, a husband, a sister... and she was actively, yes *actively*, seeking to attain 1600 lbs!! SIXTEEN HUNDRED POUNDS!!! She thought she was 750 lbs and was *disappointed* to find out that she was "only" 542 lbs! She wanted to be 800 by her wedding... How does someone get to SIXTEEN HUNDRED without dying first!?! The same way someone gets to 50 lbs without dying first, I guess. My lowest weight was 69 lbs and I was told I had 2 days left to live.
I have a problem judging this woman, at first I thought, 'selfish cow, she has kids, a family, they're crying bc they don't want to lose her and she thinks it's a JOKE'... but then I thought, hell she's just like us, but opposite.. she has fatorexia or something! She wants to attain a weight that will kill her, she looks disgusting, but that's what we want too, right? Most of us have ridiculously low goal weights, most 'normal' people think that we look disgusting when we are emaciated. I personally don't want to reach emaciation anymore. It *hurt*, physically, mentally.. and I look back on pictures and it really was gross. I guess wisdom comes with age... Just less wisdom than most, because I still attain to be 99 lbs. Skinny, not emaciated.
But anyway, what do you all think about a woman like this? Was it just a façade? You know how a lot of overweight people laugh and joke about their weight, to make themselves look and feel better around people? Is she just *saying* she wants to reach this ridiculous weight, because she feels it makes her look less like a 'fat slob'? Because she can make it into a conversation piece, without people judging her actual *size* and *eating habits*, but rather her *choices*? I don't know... I'd like to know what you guys think though...
She ultimately agreed to go into a treatment programme, to teach her nutrition, exercise, food balance and, ultimately to lose weight. What she ate in a day, would last most of us a few months, seriously. 20 000 calories a DAY! I could rant on about it forever, but I'm not going to, because again, I would be judging and I don't like people to judge me on my decisions and really, the same could be said about my decisions... selfish.
Wow.. thats so shocking, why would anyone want to be that big? but then people must look at anorexics and think "why would anyone want to be that thin?" you are right, it freaks me out because its the exact flipside of the coin.. Weird.. x