It's all lies...

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Is it wrong...

...To take pics of random live thinspo girls, without their knowledge??? I never take pics of their faces and have never posted those pics, thus far. I usually take them from the back, or from the stomach down, because I don't want to be disrespectful. They'd probably be pissed if they knew! Or maybe secretly flattered if they knew *why*? But, I keep it totally anonymous..

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. There is a lady that lives in my town. she is exactly what I want to be when I am her age. I think she is like 60 or so and very tiny with big hair(I Love big hair lol) Every time I see her I wonder how I can take a pic. I usually see her when I am driving passed her house so it is not like I can stop and take the pic lol I say if you can do it lol
