It's all lies...

Sunday, 10 June 2012

But, if I leave...

...I lose my son.

Thank you guys for all your comments on my last post, I will reply individually later. I just wanted to say, to those who don't know, I'm living in Canada. I'm legally married to this woman. She was born here. I was born in the U.K. If I leave, I go back to the U.K. I can't make it here on my own. She's my sponsor (like, immigration wise), so I could legally make her 'take care of me', financially, but I wouldn't do that, because it would take away from my son.

If I leave, I lose him anyway. We don't argue and fight in front of him, we bicker at times. And everything she said, was not to my face, never to my face, all behind my back on some forum to *her* "strangers".

The rules are all for me, but she doesn't follow them. She makes them, but she doesn't follow them.

I miss Katie's advice already. I hope she's doing well. But, I still have you guys and you are all awesome, thank you so much for being here.

I feel... numb today.

I am upping my workouts. I need to take the anger out in a beneficial way to my body. Cutting and using aren't going to make me skinny.

Love to you all x


  1. Whatever you do, don't make any rash decisions, as you say you could lose your son. Hopefully you will be able to resolve this with her and if not maybe you are better off apart. Whatever you decide to do know that I'm behind you 100% and support you in whatever choice you make,
    Hang in there sweetie and don't hesitate to email me if you need to talk. Mind yourself xxx

  2. Sorry I am late. I went to bed around 4 and still ended up some how missing the original post. I read it and I read the last one.

    I almost cried when I saw that she called you fat. How hurtful to hear that from your partner or wife. Which ever she is supposed to be called.

    Okay I am not sure if this is going to work but do you think you can sit her down and talk to her? I mean not about what she said online but about how you feel?

    My husband and I did that yeah did not go well let me put it like that. We broke up after our talk. We got back together because we then understood each other. He hurt me when he ended our relationship he said some very hurtful things. He even called me a bitch.

    Anyway I would suggest just trying to talk things out. If that doesn't work, would it be possible for you to get a job? I don't want your parents to be right. Then I am not sure if she even wants you working. Sorry I do not what rules she set up in your marriage.

    I just want you to feel better *hugs* Yes extra cardio is not only good for weight loss but for stress.

    Hope tomorrow or late is better for you.

  3. I'm so sorry, I can feel your pain

  4. Hey :)
    I am so sorry about all of this happening and I hope you can sort it out.. I don't quite know what to say, I don't want you to be unhappy but I don't want you to lose your son. I can imagine the courts being very difficult with custody, especially the situation you are in. If you still love eachother then you have everything to try to work things out for. But you need to know that she respects you as a person. You are both equals and you deserve some consideration and respect and it seems she is not giving it right now. There shouldn't be one rule for you and none for her. I think you need to talk if you feel there is a rift between you or you can try and smooth over the cracks but cracks always show.

    Please try not to use or cut it Is not beneficial to you or your son, I don't mean to sound preachy, I just care for you and know your son means a lot and I know you would hate to lose him..

    You really need to think about what you want.. If you could cope with out your son and be divorced.. Whether or not you could live with the consequences.. It's not fair on you her saying she feels like ending it.. I hope whatever you do that You are ok, I support you no matter what and none of us will judge you hun.

    Much love xx
