It's all lies...

Saturday, 2 June 2012


...I fucking can't *stand* my needs. I hate my neediness. I don't *want* to need anything. I *need* not to need. Make sense? I didn't think so.

So, rather intelligently, I forgot to pick up my cymbalta for two days in a row. I went to pick it up on the 3rd day (I'm getting electric shocks by this time), the pharmacist tells me to take one right then and to take my normal 2 that evening. I forgot. No surprise there!

So today, I wanted to go to the gym, I popped one before I went and off I go... Oh, I also took some b12 mix, which raises metabolism etc etc.

So I go do my thing and I'm there an hour and a half ish, I was expecting to stay and hour, because I thought it closed at 5, but I lucked out! Or, so I thought.. 20 to 6, forty mins into my treadmill session and just beginning to *feel* it and enjoy it. I fricken realise that I HAVE to get to the pharm. for my meds! Damnit! Now, my electric *jolts* (by this time) have come back.. I feel like shit.

Firstly, whenever I get off the damn treadmill, I have to stand and regain my bearings. It's *always* put me off kilter, all that moving while being in one place, everything around you is stationary, then stopping and supposedly moving and the world continues to move, it makes me off balance, I have to give myself a few mins. But I didn't *have* a few mins =/ so I jump off, JOLT *cringe* dump my towel, JOLT *shake it off* while trying to regain JOLT and keep JOLT my sense of balance JOLT *arg, and I have to drive*. My legs feel heavy. JOLT. Like lead. JOLT. This makes me feel JOLT so fat, like I should stay there JOLT and work out all night, ZAP way into the wee hours JOLT ZAP *cringe* when the place is closed ZAP ZAP *cringe, tense fists* and dark.. JOLT (fuck they're even invading my JOLT thoughts) but I can't, I keep moving, JOLT. I walk fast, pounding, pounding, JOLT pounding, ZAP in my feet? JOLT. In my head? ZAP JOLT. No both. JOLT *cringe, tense*. And I'm not even at my car by this point, of course I parked in the furthest spot away. I felt like I was going to keel over. I get outside and the sudden wash of cold air sends JOLTS right through me again. I feel numb, by this point. I just need to get to my destination. Get meds. Get home. And weigh. Yes, weigh ffs!! I never cease to amaze myself!

I get to the car, yank off the headphones, that I forgot were blaring music into my head, and sink into the car, relieved. JOLT. I honestly felt like I was going to hit stationary cars as I passed them. It was such a surreal, but horrible feeling.

I don't like needing these meds. I don't enjoy it. I don't like or enjoy being on them. Sighs.

So, I didn't go to the gym for a few days, partially because I couldn't fathom the energy. The other reason was, that I wanted to see if my partner would go, if I didn't. Now, I'll go come back and say, 'I gotta go again tomorrow', and all of a sudden it's, 'oh I want to go to the gym tomorrow and my prime time is 12-2', fine by me, but wtf? So, I don't go for a few days and she has NO mention of it, she's intaking way more cals than me, like around 700 max, I think, with those kinda cals, I'd have the energy for the gym daily! But no, she doesn't bother.
So, after not going for a few days, I go and of course! She pipes up this evening, 'I'm going to go to the gym tomorrow', took no more than a few hours for her to feel the need to go, because I had. This irks me. Maybe it shouldn't, but it does. It feels like she's trying to get into competition with me. She only ever restricts *because* I'm restricting. She never initiates any kind of 'diet'. I never invite her on mine, because they aren't exactly diets. Yes she's had ED problems in the past, but hasn't reach a critically low weight (that doesn't mean she hasn't struggled with it as fiercely). Like, tonight she says, 'you've lost so much more weight than me', I'm thinking, 'well I eat way less cals than you, and I eat healthy cals', but I don't say anything. I have a satisfied feeling brewing up inside me. She continues with, 'you're gonna pass me, no fair' and that just pisses me off, this is NOT a COMPETITION FFS!!! I didn't want to do this, so that it would 'trigger' you! I didn't want to do this to 'motivate' you. I am NOT your motivator! (Some might feel flattered? But, it annoys me). Just leave me alone with my shit. You haven't been 'struggling' til now ffs! At my age, you were, so leave me be. You can't say anything.

I love my son more than anything in this world, along with my lil bro, but I told her that I was not physically or mentally well enough to raise a child, or to help raise a child, yet here I am, having to do it. So when she throws bullshit in my face about doing it for him, being well for him, I have to be able to carry him without passing out, I think, FUCK YOU! Because, I TOLD YOU! I was being responsible. You were being impatient and you completely shit on our vowels.

My boy's crying and she's apparently ignoring him, so I'll maybe finish this up later.. maybe not..

Thanks girls, for your ongoing support and... just everything. Thank you for everything. I'm so fortunate to have been let in by you guys, you're great xxx


  1. I have to agree. It does sound like she is competing you rather she realizes it or not. Just from the things she says or does. I would be kind of weird-ed out myself.

    Man sorry to hear about your meds. I have to depend on the one for my thyroid so I don't even want to think about having to dependant on a few more.

    Wow my mom ignored me a lot as a child. That can really hurt them and I hope she knows that. Not that I am saying she does it all the time because I don't know but I hope not.

    Keep dropping the weight, staying focused, loving your little, and taking your meds and everything will be fine.

    Love ya and see you on the next post :-)

    1. Yah I guess I am weirded out a bit.. I mean, she would be content to just complain about it otherwise? :s

      She doesn't ignore him, she's a great mom, he was just having one of his nightly tantrums. He wakes up for no reason, right around the time she goes to bed, haha.

      Thanks hun x

  2. Oh No! Those jolts sound very very disruptive and painful :\ I do hope you are ok..

    I have long since learnt that telling people "I am tryna lose weight" at home either gets them to watch me or makes them want to "compete" so everything is hush hush now.. I do hope you try not to let this get to you. It seems like she is also trying to go to the gym now that you are because, she is copying you and perhaps you have jolted her into thinking "oh shit, I should go to the gym", if anything let it motivate you. Concentrate on yourself, you are doing it cos of you, she is doing it to try to be on par with you - which is not a very sound reason. Seeing as you are doing it for yourself because you are motivated to lose weight already means that you have better chances of success cos you actually want it bad. She just doesnt want to feel bad or be left out.. or thats how it seems.

    I hope you are ok, Much love to you and take care, dot hesitate to contact me if you need me :) <3 xxx

    1. Hey hun,

      It's really hard to hide when you live with someone intimately. Especially as she knows about my past problems and has had them herself. We have an apartment where the dining room is attached to the living room, the kitchen is small, there's no extra rooms to 'pretend to eat in' =/ sucks, because I'd rather hide it.

      Tbh, I never got *good* at hiding things, because my family never paid any attention to my eating habits, even when I got emaciated.. I was laying in bed for so long, no one noticed. My mum ran a bath for me one night though and saw me get in, she gasped and yelled at me and made me eat something, then took me to the doctor but by that point I just *couldn't*, physically, thank god the doctor told her that I couldn't be forced to eat, bc basically, there was nowhere for it to go, I was literally impacted. If she force fed me, I'd have been puking up my own poop =/ *shudders*

      Now that I've thoroughly grossed you out.. :P lol

      Thank you though, really xx

  3. I use to be on cymbalta but my doc changed it recently to mirtazipine. I think I preferred the cymbalta.
    I also hate having to rely on meds and currently coming off the methadone.
    Did you get my email?
    Hope your ok, much love xxx

    1. Cymbalta didn't do much for me depression wise =/ but it helped with my pain, I take way less advil and stuff now.. So he kept me on it and added Welbutrin, which actually helps with my cravings.
      Did you get withdrawal symptoms coming off cymbalta? Apparently, if you come off it slow, you don't feel much like those electric like jolts? :s I hope not *cringes* they're horrible.

      I did get an email from you hun, I replied saying that I'd reply *properly* as soon as I could, lol


  4. I'm sorry that you have to rely on the Cymbalta. I know what it's like honey. As far as your partner goes, maybe you should sit down with her and have a heart to heart with her. This is just my opinion, but it sounds like she enables you and you enable her? Maybe not. Either way, it sounds like there are some issues that need to be resolved between the two of you. I'm sorry you had such a rough night sweetheart. Stay strong, keep doing what makes you feel comfortable, and in the end, you will be happy =)

    1. Yah you're right... I think we definitely enable each other... but, I know it probably wouldn't be happening if I wasn't struggling.. and I kind of made a concious decision to stop eating. I mean, the voice came back, it was always there, but I shoved it to the back of my mind... It just started getting louder, and louder and I couldn't push it away any more.. and I was like, screw it, I'll give in to you because you're right, I'm fat and something needs to be done *now*, ya know?

      Thank you for your advice, I think I'll try that tonight xxx
