It's all lies...

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Helpful links...

I've just been cleaning out my email and I found some helpful stuff... Some of it is geared towards winter, but heck, it can be used all yr round in my opinion!


Ten Healthy Snacks For Couch Time

Stay Fit (Holiday season, scmoliday season! Stay fit EVERY season!)
We're travelling soon, so that's definitely some helpful tips for me! Can you believe I didn't think of just taking a work out DVD with me!? Pfft, stupid! I was devising ways to sneak into my old gym! Lmao.. And thinking that I could borrow a bike, walk the dog etc etc.. now I can do (nearly) all of that and just get my video in! Duh!

Low Calorie Snack SURVIVAL Guide!
Just NEED to eat something, to stop the dreaded binge!? Go with one or even two (if you need it) of these options:

NINE Appetite Suppressing Foods - Help conquer cravings
Hmmm, interesting *rubs chin*

This one is great for me!:
SIX Ways to Avoid Night-Time Snacking!
I don't get hungry ALL day, I force myself to eat a 50 cal snack every so often throughout the day, to help boost my metabolism... I don't know if it's working yet, I'm down 2 lbs again, but it's the *same* 2 lbs that I keep losing and gaining and losing and gaining (and hopefully losing for the last time, this time! I can't take it any more, the scales are fucking with me! Taunting me. Excitement. Disappointment. Anger, Frustration. Excitement. Disappointment, etc etc..). I could SO easily fast, if I could get through the late evening, and I'm talking 10pm hits and I want food. I can't even get in the liquids in for my liquid fast :s and I'm struggling to force food down, so WHY am I not losing??? Maybe a fast is what I really need.
Today, I told myself I could eat whatever I wanted. I forced down 2 rice cakes (50 each) - on separate occasions - breakfast, lunch, bc I just wasn't hungry. Had half a Naan bread (150 *gasp*) and teaspoon of low-fat masala dressing (25). I was telling myself that I could have fibre bars, granola bars, cereal, *anything* (to kick-start my metabolism), but I couldn't do it... I just couldn't :s and I *refuse* to eat late at night, bc it will stick.. I'm terrified it will stick. So, that's it for me today. I might have a 25 cal freezie thing, which will bring it to 300 even. And I've burnt some of that off today.

Big Breakfast = Big Results (Crazy!)
I don't know how I'd force all that down! Maybe just have the breakfast and nothing else??? :s But an average of 40 versus 9 lbs!?!?! Like, holy cow! It HAS to be worth a try!

SEVEN Low Cal SUMMER Snacks!
Much better than munching down that ice cream!

A little Weightloss tip/help? Maybe...
Think I'm gonna try this one myself!

Okay, that's enough from me... there was one more I wanted to add, but I can't find it... Possibly because I let time slip away again and it's fucking 4 am! Said I was going to bet at 1.. then 2.. then definitely by 3... Wonder if I'll get in before 5?? :/ fuck, I have to get up early tomorrow too, or I miss my damn meds. Didn't get them today, but luckily, *somehow*, don't ask me how, I had a days dose extra... I think I might be able to go down, because I'm obviously not noticing when I miss a dose. I take my dose split in two, so I guess sometimes I take it and forget to take the other half... So, I always get some in me... This never happens when I'm eating properly.. Maybe it's the power of the lack of food?? The body in starvation mode, concentrates on food in etc, more over meds in?? I don't know.. but, some days I totally notice and *need* my second half, other days, apparently, I don't notice til the end of the week and there's extra left over :s so weird... I'm not gonna tell my doc yet though, bc he can only give me 4 of the 8 weeks worth that I need for travelling to England, so the extra will last me longer, as I cut down (NOT the best place to cut down, because I'll be around all those old triggers/environment :s oh well, we'll see if I can be strong...).. But, if my doc back home doesn't help me out, I guess I guess have to somehow make do.

Okay, almost 4 am for real now, have to brush my teeth and try to be in bed in the next 3.. er 2 mins! NOT gonna happen! Lol.

As for the links, just browse around, above and below the posts, there are more links to other really helpful and interesting stuff.. You can learn a LOT from that site! Love it!

And love you gals! Night x (or morning for some of you! Lol).

P.s- oh and I tried caffeine pills! (With an energy drink, duh). A step down from ephedra for sure! But, still interact with my welbutrin, but not *nearly* as bad, or as dangerously... I'll tell you how I reacted on the next post! Lmao x

Haha, it's 4 am! Oh well!


  1. Thanks for this very useful indeed!
    Are you going to the UK?
    Was that your methadone that you were talking about that you take in 2 doses?
    How much are you on now?
    I hope to go to Australia for a couple of months in December so I don't know how I'm going to manage that.
    Hope you are well lovely,
    Love ya lots xxx

    1. Hey hun, yes it was... back home I took it in a pill, bc it affected my teeth very badly and I couldn't stomach either the regular, or the sugar free. So they gave me the pill version. Even though they make it up different here, I had the same problem. They were more strict and wouldn't give in to the pills.
      So I take it in half the amount of juice as everyone else, in my own chosen juice (that I have to buy, I choose one that I can tolerate) and I take that twice a day, so that I can get it down and keep it down...

      Also, apparently my metabolism digests *Meds FAST*, like, can you do that with my food please?? Lol. So, it wasn't lasting me a full 24 hours. I'm taking 27ml total. Split into 13.5, twice.
      I don't need that much though. At the end of each week, I end up with at least a days worth left over, so I guess I forget to take my second half a couple of times a week... Which means, I don't need as much - funnily enough, when I'm eating less, I don't need as much meds.. my theory is, my metabolism is fast, so uses them up quickly, but when I restrict severely, I slow my metabolism, so those meds go a lot further, hence not needing the night dose? What do you think?

      Anyway, I'm telling my doc to lower me until I get back, because if I have a problem getting meds in England, I will be able to cut down and make it last longer. That's what I always did when I didn't have enough meds to come here with.

      I might even ask him to put me up, rather than down! Haha, I don't have to take it, unless I need it to cut down.

      In the UK, they supply up to 3 months worth at a time.. Aussie is SO strict though, you might have to get a home office license (I was always supposed to get one, but I just winged it each time).
      What gets me is, I'm only on 27 mls! If I was on 160 like some people here, that's a HELL of a lot more meds for a 4 week supply, than 8 weeks at my low dose! And that's the issue right? Travelling with so many meds, incase you lose them, someone gets a hold of them and OD's, you get done with manslaughter, (and other stuff, lol).
      I'm doing a bit better thanks hun, seen a new lower number today! Woot! Ok ok, don't get TOO excited, I saw the number above it like 5 different times, when I was losing and gaining the same 2 lbs! But, this is a NEW low number *fingers crossed for it to keep going*

    2. just re-read my post and realised I repeated myself a LOT here! Lol, sorry hun... It was late when I wrote the post and I didn't remember posting all that info, haha x

  2. Pretty cool. I haven't checked out the links yet but I plan too.

    Wow do you have to take your meds so earlier? I know I am suppose but I always take it and roll back over.

    Congrats on the 2lbs lost. I know it must be annoying to gain and lose the same weight. Trust me I know.

    1. thanks hun, finally went down another lb!

      I dont have to take them early, but had to go pick up a weeks worth x
