It's all lies...

Monday, 18 June 2012

Fat "Anorexic"...

I have that 'anorexic' mindset again and it is absolutely TORTUROUS being *really* fat with it. I was watching a documentary on anorexia etc and how hard it is when anorexics relapse from recovery, at a normal or over weight, weight. No one can tell you that you aren't actually fat, because you medically are. And so you feel like you have every right and that you're somehow justified in starving yourself. That's where I'm at right now.

My 2 lbs stayed off. I lost another. So, 3 down since the plateau started. So, seeing a number that I haven't seen in a while. That makes me feel a tiny bit relieved. Was the same today, didn't go down, but didn't go up either *phew*. I need to get to the gym. I've been researching stuff and apparently, a low cal + high exercise routine can really stick you in a plateau. I'm going to try calorie cycling. I could do carb cycling (kind of like 2-4-6-8 diet), but I'm going to try calorie first. Carb requires high protein and as sad as it sounds, with the trip to England so close, I just can't afford to spend a bunch of money on chicken and fish and stuff. And I'd get pretty sick of eggs real fast. Salads are cheap, good and healthy. I just have to get my cals up a couple days a week. Scary. I don't set out to starve everyday any more. I just *don't* get hungry. I don't want to eat. It's not like, 'I sooooo want a piece of cake, but I can't have it' (so, sometimes it is, but mostly), it's like, 'I'm not even thinking about cake right now.. or.. anything really'. I wish it would stay this way. Haven't wanted to binge. Have to fight with myself to *have* a fibre bar or something to bring my cals up (so that I can lose weight! and not fucking plateau!), rather than fighting with myself not to have it. I shouldn't complain... but, it's not good for my metabolism, so not good for my weight loss. I'm just hard-wired to think that food = fat = bad. Which is not necessarily so!

If you're going to do starvation mode calories (starvation mode is *never* good for your metabolism, it'll start moving at a snails pace), then you apparently should concentrate on strength training, over cardio. Getting some cardio in is obviously important for heart health etc, but I need to keep my muscle tone up (and in my case *build* muscle), so that I'm actually losing fat lbs and not muscle lbs. Muscle weighs more, sure, but without it, you cannot burn fat. That's where the term 'skinny fat person' comes from. Often skinny people, who aren't toned, have a higher body fat percentage than someone who weighs more and is more muscular. A lot of anorexics actually have a high body fat percentage. Crazy, eh?

So, maybe I'll do my woods trail a few times a week, instead of every day. And strength training in the gym the other days.

I'm gonna go to the gym tonight and get acquainted with the strength training machines, that I've really wanted to try, but haven't had the guts, because I don't wanna do it wrong and be laughed at, heh. Apparently, I can't ask for advice from the qualified fitness trainers, that I pay membership to take advantage of their knowledge etc. *Sigh*. I'm going to go late though, so hopefully it's dead in there.

So, good cals. Lots of strength training. Some cardio. I feel like I can do much better with strength training anyway. I *hate* cardio, lol. I like how I feel after though, so it makes it worth it.

A protein, complex carbs: one fibrous carb (like broccoli) and one starchy carb (like a sweet potato, or brown rice). The more you want to lose, the less starchy carb you have. Hmm. Makes sense.

I finally got the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle package. I couldn't afford 40 bucks, so I closed the page, it said, 'we'll enter you to win a holiday to show off your new beach body, blah blah', I was like whatever, I close it again, it's like, 'no wait, stay... pay 5 bucks, try it out for 21 days (it's a 49 day programme) if you like it pay the rest later and get the rest of the programme'. I'm like, I can do that. Seems fair. It's not a fad diet, that's the best thing. It's a lifestyle change. It tells you how the weight-loss industry keeps sucking you in and stealing your money, whilst trying to keep you fat, so that you keep spending. No more diet pills for me. Skinny doesn't come in a pill. SO true. Reading through it is going to be more challenging than implementing it. It's LONG. But very interesting. And it makes a lot of sense, so far.

Trying to make my unhealthy relapse, a little healthier.

Don't starve girls, it's not pretty. And you know what? You'll lose a lot MORE weight by eating and nourishing your body (yes, I'm a hypocrite, but it's become *hard* to eat) and exercising. And the best thing? You'll *keep* it off. Re-feeding kills it every time.

Love to you all x


  1. This is very informative, I think I wanna try eating and gyming now. I tried it before but eating was too hard. I used to feel like there was no point. I wanna do it like you though and calorie count and exercise.. I like the cardio machines but am fearful of weights.. I guess I will need someone to show me how to use them. Sigh. I really hate muscles. I think I am more fearful of muscle than fat.. Is that crazy or is that crazy.. I dont know. I used to have muscle though. I used to exercise every day *every day* and youre right - I lost weight. Fuck I lost weight.

    Great post btw - hope you're doin OK xx
    <3 RayRay

    1. Hey huni... I hope it wasn't informative in a 'tippy' way!? I just want people to know that they can get quick results, and be far healthier and therefore happier. Your body will thank you for it honey... and so will your mind.

      And when it's hard to eat, I think of the possible binges that lye in wait around EVERY corner, that happen because I ate *nothing*.. that is why I always try to put something in, even if it's just a little.

      I've been relatively lucky though, I haven't felt the urge to binge *touch wood*... I mean, last night I had to bring my cals up and I spent almost a straight hour, standing in the kitchen, trying to convince myself that it was okay to have it.. I counted, counted and recounted. I compared to other foods, I OVER thought the whole process. I am so scared of those overwhelming, obsessive thoughts... these are thoughts and actions that almost killed me the last time :s this time around, I got DRILL Sergeant 'ana' and she will ride me to deaths door, I'm quite terrified, that's why I'm trying to find healthier, yet even *faster*, ways to do it. It'll work, coz I'm losing again! :)

      It's not crazy to be afraid of muscle, we all have our wee quirks ;) but, I'll say it again hun, without muscle, fat loss is *not* possible. Your organs will be used as fuel, including your heart and onto your brain.

      You answered your own fear honey, "I lost weight. Fuck I lost weight".

      I'm reading your blog sweetheart, I just still can't comment :( Maybe I'll make a special entry or page to reply to your entries on!
      Can you, pretty please, paste the reply that you wrote to my last comment on your blog though honey.. It gives me a flash of the page, so I know you replied to it, I just haven't been able to see it :( *pout*

      Anyway, I'm so tired, it's almost 2 (I started falling asleep at like 1! Lol, been sitting here with one eye open trying to stay awake to finish up! Hahaha), at least it's not 4/5 am like the last couple nights/mornings! I can be thankful for that, but it soon will be 4am if I don't stop rambling! and sign off lol, love yas lots xxx

    2. Holy fricken essay!! ^ lmao, I gotta stop doing that! Especially on other peoples pages anyway! But, it's coz I MISS you and feel like I haven't spoken to you in forever RayRay *hugz*.. k gettin my ass to bed, before I make an even bigger fool of myself!

  2. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog, I can relate so much. This post was very informative, I agree starving doesn't really work for me anyway. Best of luck with your plan, you sound like you know what you are doing, I hope it works out for you. Much love to you xxx

    1. Thanks honey..

      And no problem, I trust you a lot and feel that I can tell you most, if not all things =) and I pretend that I'm just replying to you! Lol.. anyone else who sees it, well, they just see it, lol

      I'm researching and updating my knowledge =) so, hopefully it will work out for me.. for us x

    2. Any rubykins! I love you too! And no, I'm not drunk, or high lol.

      Ninight! xxx

  3. You are the truth girl. I have learned starving only gets you but so far. Then the weight stops moving and you have to starve even more to get the weight off or exercise like crazy. I am exercising like crazy just until I get down to my goal weight. Then I will cut back on the amount of time and find what keeps my body burning fat without long hours in the gym.

    You are not a hypocrite at all. You are speaking from experience. I am listening to you.

    I know it is hard not to starve. I mean even I have to remind myself to not do it. Pretty hard when you got that little voice asking you want to be thin or fat put down the food!

    You sound like you were doing well today. It's nice to hear. You stay focused. You are on the right track.

    1. I'm glad that you trust me enough to listen =)

      I'm totally refocused! Thank you for noticing :) I never quit though, I didn't binge. I hung in there and it paid off! I'm SO proud of myself for that =D
      I'm finally losing again, it seems *fingers crossed*, but hell another week and my period will be here again! :O But, I know what has to be done to get out of it now, I knew before, but it was so hard to make myself eat 500 cals.. now I let myself drink juice on the days that I need a calorie boost, don't feel so bad and I don't make myself count the calories, I just stick to no more than 2 glasses.

      Don't get discouraged honey.. You could have gained muscle, which is not bad. As is my mantra, muscle is good, you can't burn fat without muscle! ;) that keeps me going when I'm stuck. 'Oh, maybe I built some muscle today', I give it a day, if I keep losing, great, if not, I know I have to up the cals =( boo, lol

  4. I know that mindset very well, I wish you luck on all your new experiences to come with the calorie cycling and trying new machines. I found this very very helpful, I didn't even know a lot of the stuff you mentioned. And guess what I'm going to go do now? Go for the first walk in more than a month. I haven't had the motivation but now I do so thank you!
    I'm proud of your new decisions, you can do it. :]

  5. This post was perfectly timed! Thank you for reminding me of this stuff, you're a lifesaver!

