It's all lies...

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Standing Still..

Still haven't lost. Still stuck in a fucking plateau. Feel horrible. I'm not surpassing 250 cals a day. I tried upping, but couldn't get there.. I think I managed more yesterday, but I didn't let myself count.

I had a small bowl of cereal, 3 rice cakes, a 5 cal jello, a weight watchers bagel and a granola bar to bring me up.

That is a HUGE amount of food for me and it was hard. This morning I was half a lb down though, but I don't count it as a loss, bc I had put that half a lb on after my period. I hope it's a sign that my body is getting back to normal after my period.. but fucking hell, I have my period every 3 weeks, if I'm off for a week after, that leaves 2 weeks in which to lose any significant amount of weight! Is this why I plateau at every 7-10 lb loss??

I just want it off. Fuck, 10, or even 5 years ago, if I ate (or rather didn't eat) like this, I'd have lost twice as much! I guess I'm just old.

I'm worried the diet pills have fucked my body and it just has to get used to doing without them. I can't afford like a hundred bucks every month or so on diet pills though =/ I'm taking b vits, bc those are much cheaper, but I just realised you have to eat with them, heh.I also take 7-keto, which is like 20-25 bucks.

I have some expired ephedrine.. I *really* want to take it, what do you guys think? I know I shouldn't take it whilst on welbutrin, but... I mean, the welbutrin will fire it up 20 times more and could cause seizures.. Maybe I should just go buy some caffeine pills. No different than drinking coffee, right?

I want to take the damn ephedrine.


  1. I am in no position to be dishing out any advice.. but if it was me I would take the ephedrine. Moe cos I need to concentrate than for the weightloss.. In any case as the expiry date has gone, the active ingredient may now have stopped working so it could be pointless.. I really dont know though.

    It must be so hard making yourself eat that much. I freak out if I have to eat a meal - but the way you are doing it seems easier to bear.. I feel bad that you are going back to "ana" like this, but I am one to talk. I just wish and hope and pray that you can find happiness at some weight.. cos lets face it. Happiness for us comes with a number on the scale.. Its sad but true. I hope you can get out of this plateau.. I believe in you xx Much Love xx

    1. Thanks hun... Ephedrine makes you very manic, so I don't think concentration will come with taking it! Lol.

      I really wanted to purge what I ate, but it was hard enough to get it down in the first place, purging would have taken away any benefits I was hoping of getting from eating =/

      I'm sure I'll be somewhat happier if I am a much lower number on the scale.. I hope I find it too... I hope you find it too..

      Thank you for believing in me, I don't want to let anyone down x


  2. I'm sorry that you're so stuck sweetie. That must be so frustrating. I'm giving you big hugs from here.

    1. Thank you Katie, your hugs mean lots to me *hugs you back*

  3. Wow so sad how I was just whining about my scale not moving for almost 2 weeks ago. So I am right there with you.

    I would still take the pills. Do those things even really expire?

    I know I can't wait to order my pills. Come on tomorrow, pay day. I need my pills.

    I hope tomorrow is better for you :-)

    1. I know Winter, sucks to be in a plateau, eh?

      Ephedrine isn't really a diet pill and it's rough on the heart.. I used to be very much against it, but hell, then I was dropping weight every second.. It's a little harder now.

      What pills are you ordering? I hope you did your research! :P

  4. I wouldn't take them but that's only because I took ephedrine before and had some nasty side effects, you may not get them. Whatever you decide to do stay safe anyway.
    I know the plateau is getting you down but it won't/can't last.
    I know what you mean when you say you don't lose like you used to, the weight used to fall off me but now it's so hard to lose anything significant. Don't lose hope though, you are doing all the right things. Much love to youxxx

    1. Thanks Ruby, hopefully I'm out of it now, I lost the 0,4 that I put on, plus another 0.4, not much, but hopefully enough to have me out of this thing.

      I can't bring myself to throw the pills out, but I won't take them just yet.

      I hope I'm doing all the right things.. I need to get to the gym more :s maybe I can do the Tracy Anderson Metamorphasis, on armed! Lol


  5. Wow, did (almost) nobody read the above potential side effects of mixing ephedrine with wellbutrin? Because of this, I'm going to emphatically suggest that you do not take the ephedrine pills. Seizures and/or impending death aren't worth a pill combo that may or may not knock a few extra pounds off. Trust me, I know how frustrating plateaus are--I'm currently suffering through my own, with the added bonus of losing 5 or so pounds, gaining them back, losing them again to gain them back, etc.

    I would agree though, that your body very well may be rebelling against weight loss because of the diet pills and severe starvation you put it through in the past (I too cannot lose weight like I once did, and it's not just because I'm older). So, my suggestion (in lieu of potential negative drug interactions) is to really be mindful of the foods you eat when you do eat. You ate very little, but it seemed to be nutrient deficient, carb-loaded, processed foods that could be further hindering your progress.

    Whatever you do, I hope you're able to break through this and feel better! <3

    1. You're right.. I was doing well with eating fruits and veg/salad etc, but have started leaning towards processed crap again, plus I was making myself drink a lot of water and have barely been getting in a glass a day, lately.. I guess I need to get on myself about that.

      I guess I was hoping people would tell me no about the ephedrine, but also kinda hoping to hear that 'it's okay, I would do it, so you should too', ya know?

      I had the same problem with gaining and losing the same 5 lbs like.. 8 lbs ago, I guess. I was stuck in that rut for *weeks*, but that one was easy to figure out, I needed to get my butt to the gym and change the calories I was ingesting.. this time it was harder, the scales just weren't budging either way, but hopefully I have it under control now *fingers crossed* at least until the next 7-10 lbs :s I seriously hope I don't plateau at every 7-10!

      Thanks so much for your advice x

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