It's all lies...

Saturday 26 May 2012


So, I went to the gym today... Doing okay with the (lack of) eating, thing.

My partner is hinting today (and has previously said) that I am triggering her. Now she's whining that she's hungry, so I say, "Then eat!!" duh.. and she's like, "but I don't wanna ruin the day...." then to herself, I guess, "stop it! I'm being stupid, I'm in the mindset... cereal, have cereal". Me: nothing. What does she want me to say?

Must go to the gym again tomorrow! I've noticed that whenever I get close to my fourth goal, to this number that I'm at now, I sabotage myself, then I'm all disappointed when I've gained 3 lbs after a b/p! Like, wtf?? STOP SABOTAGING YOURSELF, IDIOT! So, I've allowed myself a little food, last time I added, I was at a deficit, I've since had some protein. I should still be under. I can't gain if I don't binge, right? Once I hit this next number, I think it will spur me on, because in all the one step forward, 2 steps back, 1 lb off, 3-7 lbs on(!), I haven't yet seen this low a number, since I dropped recovery. I can't wait to see it! And hopefully that day will come tomorrow!

Maybe if I'm super lucky, I'll skip it altogether and be even lower! *dare I dream*....

Wish me luck!

Hope you beautiful ladies are all doing well x


  1. Keep your head up sweetie. The gym always makes me feel good.

    1. Thanks hun... me too actually! It must be all that serotonin releasing into my brain! Finally! Lol


  2. :) I am so pleased for you, stay strong and I hope you can see that 4th goal soon, :) xxx

    1. I did it! And the 5th! If todays numbers stay the same in the morning, or better yet, go lower! :O I weighed again, but didn't post it to MFL yet *bites nails* *nervous not to now*

    2. oh and thank you! I need something to call you, other than 'weareallmadhere'! Lol, it's too long :P Online people call me Ashen =)
